Alexander Brill Quartet

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Thursday | 31.10.24 | Alexander Brill Quartet
«Journey in to the Blues»
An anthology of 20th-century blues performed by Alexander Brill’s quartet.

Blues from different eras: from archaic to modern, from romantic to wartime.

Alexander Brill –  Tenor saxophone legendary jazz musician, composer, teacher, creator, producer and sought-after player in many concerts and festivals around the world

Alexander Bril – tenor-saxophone
Evgeny Brakhman – piano
Valery Lipets- double bass
Stanislav Zilberman – drums

«Путешествие в блюз» – как антология блюзов XX века в исполнении квартета Александра Бриля
Блюзы разных периодов: от архаических до современных, от романтичных до военных.
Александр Бриль – тенор-саксофон
Евгений Брахман- фортепиано
Валерий Липец – контрабас
Станислав Зильберман – ударные

19:00 Doors opening and guided tours in Hebrew

20:00 Concert on the roof of the museum

